
Happy Belated 4th of July

Better late than never.  But I guess you could say we've been a little busy lately....with oh let's see...a trip to SF.  lol.  Nonetheless, we wanted to share how we spent our Independence Day this year with our little guy.  It was a fun-filled day (the next day we loaded up at 7am and headed to the airport) and it ended up being super late for us!  We didn't get home that night until midnight.  But with our adrenaline going for our trip the next day we didn't mind it.  In fact, we travel every year from July 5th-12th so we're used to it. 
Let me remind you of our 4th last year....22 weeks pregnant!
We started off with heading over to Granbury (mine and Jer's home town) for the parade.  I am huge, huge, huge on starting traditions for our little family and one tradition will be watching the Granbury parade with B.  Especially since our friend Ashlee (Baylee's mom who I graduated high school with) suggested that we watch it from a restaurant covered patio with mist sprayers right one the square.  Genius!  So that's what we did.  It was puuurrrfect.  So we've decided that we'll be doing that from now on!  Not to mention, we also got to see Ash and Bay and her whole family too.  :) 
Boston with his Abby (my mom, we call her Abby...short for Abuela which is "Grandma" in Spanish)  She adores him.  :)
Me and B before the parade started
doing what he does best...picking my nose....kidding, kidding
love them times 100 
in a daze 
and he's O-U-T on daddy's lap half way through the parade.  there's always next year. :-) 
Love these girls and their babies.  Ash, Bay, me, B, Elizabeth and Brady. 
Once the parade was over, we drove back home for a couple of hours because Jer had to finish a project for work that he wouldn't be able to finish before leaving on our trip.  It worked perfectly so B could take a nap before we headed back to G-town.  Before heading back, we snapped a photo (not before asking them first) in front of one of our neighbors flag that they put on their fence every year.  I wanted this to be our family July 4th picture.  It will probably be our family 4th picture every year, as long as they have their flag up.  :)
When we got to G-town, we went straight to the Fox annual party.  Our friends Cece and Jason Fox hold a party on the lake every year where all of our Granbury friends hang out all day swimming, jet skiiing and just having a grand ol' time. 

Aunt Cece and Boston.  She loves this little guy so much.
Me and Cece LAST year

Once we left the lake party we headed over to the beach on Lake Granbury where Jer's sisters and their families watch the fireworks which is always fun to do with them.  Okay, I have to brag a little bit...Granbury has one of the best firework shows EVER.  We're never disappointed.  This year, they had a little mis-hap and one of them actually caught on fire, but the show must go on and it did!  Good job Granbury!
This year instead of watching them on the actual beach we watched them from a dock that jets out on to the lake which put us almost right under the firework show.  It was a little windy out on the dock but with the Texas heat the wind felt great.
B loved the fireworks despite being super tired and it being way past his bedtime. 
Meltdown...time for bed people! 

Man, this day was CA-RAZY busy but we wouldn't have it any other way.  We plan on doing every 4th the exact same way for the next how-many-ever-years!  Next year will be even more fun for Boston. 

God Bless America!
~The Cook's

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