
Plain ol' Blogging

Warning: there will be no pictures shared in this blog post.  sorry. but don't you worry, there will be some coming soon (it would help if i actually uploaded them).

Man, it's been a great couple of days.  I basically turned off all most forms of communication (i.e., computers) for the past few days.  Our weekend goal was to spend a lot of quality time with our little family of 3 and to have a relaxing weekend with our veteran (Fact: Jer was in the U.S. Coast Guard for 4 years before going to law school).  We wanted to take this weekend to really enjoy each other.  Over the holiday weekend, we didn't go ANYWHERE and it was GRRReat.  Whether we are doing a project or experiencing new things with our little B, we are usually on the go and super busy.  This weekend...we chose otherwise.  We loved every second of it, too.  Saturday all 3 of us sat in bed and watched tv (shows, other than his baby einstein, is not something that we let B watch, but this day was an exception) together for most of the day only getting out of our bed to eat .  Can I just say that we totally-needed-that!  Sunday, we did the same thing, minus the bed because we migrated out of our bedroom into our living room this time, but only after we attended church that morning and stopped by the grocery store.  :-) 

By Monday, we had plans with some of our closests friends who came over for a good 8 hours!  We always have a great time with them.  Thanks, Cece and Jason for your visit.  We enjoyed it!  

So...that's what has been going on in the Cook Household.  A whole lotta nothin'!! 

P.S. regular blog posts of something semi-interesting will be coming shortly. :-)

We hope everyone had a fun and safe Memorial Day weekend,

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