
Boston's New Goodies For Turning 8 Months

We had such a great day celebrating Boston's 8 month birthday, yesterday.  We started it by singing Happy 8 Month Birthday to him.  We played, ate, napped (he did) and went for a walk.  :)  Earlier in the day, we got our packages delivered!
Our baby boy is growing so much that it was time to retire his infant car seat.  Poor guy was s.t.u.f.f.e.d in his car seat.  So Jer and thought we would get him a new bigger car seat for his 8th month.  Plus, he is growing out of his bouncer, too.  We've used his bouncer and his bumbo to feed him but since his legs are getting too thick for the bumbo, we knew we needed to find him a high chair or something similar.  So over the weekend, we went onto Diapers.com (since we had coupons to use) and ordered his car seat and a booster seat for meal times.  

We knew we wanted a Britax because they are super safe and we're all about safety for our precious cargo.  Jer researched the Britax models and the specifications on each of their models and decided that the Advocate 70 CS was the one for us.  It was the most expensive, but the safest. 
He got to try-it-out for the first time too!
We could tell his little brain was racing...wondering what the heck this thing was.  He was so used to be crunched into his old one that this was so roomy and comfy.  Ohh...and it reclines!  So he can sleep well while we are driving.  Here lately, his head would be hanging down while he slept.  I felt terrible that he had to sleep like that, it always looked so uncomfortable.  But not anymore!  He's got him a Rolls Royce of car seats! 

We also knew that we weren't into the whole "highchair" thing.  Something about taking up more room in our kitchen nook just wasn't appetizing to us.  So we were set on finding something smaller, portable and cheaper...and that's when we found the Safety 1st Deluxe Sit, Snack and Go Booster Seat for $29.99.  It comes with a tray and it closes/folds up for easy travel.  That's one reason why I loved using the Bumbo for feedings because we could take it with us anywhere.  We even took it with us on our trip to Atlanta.  So, this booster seat is going to be perfect.  It sits perfectly in one of our kitchen table chairs.  Plus, we couldn't beat the price compared to the huge stand-up high chairs that take up a lot of room. 
We got one that was gender neutral so that if we ever have a girl, we can hand it down to her to use, too.  Ohh and, of course, we had to test it out for dinner!
Jer put it together and buckled him in. 
He looked too big for it, but I made sure it was big enough for him.  It claims to be used for 2 1/2 year olds.  Let's hope we can use it until then.   
Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. We were at Buy Buy Baby last night looking at both of these items. How funny! Boston really seems to be enjoying his new ride. What a big boy!


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