
Oh...how we love weekends

I'm back!  Oh boy, we've been busy.  It's been a crazy few days but I'm back to do my blog writing/sharing.  :-) 

We had a pretty darn good weekend.  I mean, I did say weekend, even the word sounds darn good.  We love our weekends.  That's where we get to do just about anything our little hearts desire.  We could be lazy and stay in bed watching shows (like we used to do a lot in our parent-less days), we could go shopping, we could go play tennis (another favorite before Boston) or...we could work on projects and play with Boston! 

So needless to say, we I chose to work on and finish a few lingering projects that had been calling for our attention for quite some time.  More on those later this week once I finish uploading all the pictures because, of course, I love sharing pictures with you.  :) 

Friday, after Jer got off work we ran a few errands to pick-up some stuff for our projects that we would be finishing.  I like to get things that we need for that weekend on Friday nights so that we don't have to go anywhere on Saturday morning.  We can get up and start working right away that morning.  Anyway, then we went to eat at Cowboy Chow.  It's another one of our favorite local restaurants here in Roanoke..along with Twisted Root (where we find ourselves eating just about every other weekend.  If you live near Roanoke, you should try them out).  That night is when Boston got to try out a "big boy highchair" in his cover at a restaurant!  He is no longer sitting in his car seat or in his stroller while we eat.  *getting teary eyed*  
he kept looking around staring at people.  made us a little embarrassed.  he's a nosey little fella.  or as we like to think...he's very intrigued by things going on around him.  :)
such a big boy
staring again...
this is his favorite spot in restaurants, sitting on daddy's lap.  he was wondering what that brown stuff was that daddy was putting in his mouth.
he turned from conductor to Boston the Rapper after dinner.  Yo Yo Yo!
we finished the night off with some bath time with our favorite little person
he LOVES the water and LOVES baths 
he loves to be sprayed 
he's very interested in his sprayer 

Saturday, we got up and got straight to work.  Jer went to work outside on our back patio...which is coming together quite nicely.  And I finished up a project inside.  It took us most of the day (along with play time and meal time for our little guy).  Then later that evening we finished up another project together that involved this area...

Sunday, we MISSED church.  I was so upset.  We completely over slept (Jer turned the alarm off on accident).  Later in the day we went to see some of our favorite people, the Mitchell's.  It was Kally's birthday so we headed up to their house for some good times.  :)  Boston got to spend some time with Cash and Ms. Emma.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN, KALLY!
Boston and Emma
he likes Emma :-)
Boston and his bestie, Cash
he loves Cash and kept wanting to touch him.  Boston doesn't know his strength and would get pretty rough.
yep, I love her..."her" would be Cash's mom, Meredith.  love her a bunch. one of the sweetest people I know. :)
thank you, Jesus, for this little boy
birthday boy, Kally, Jer and Josh doing their tequilla and pickle juice shots.  Ha.  MEN!
we finished the night off with me and my pride and joy!
we love our picture sessions!!!

So there ya have it...our weekend in a nutshell. 

P.S.  Meredith - I'm glad I could inspire you!  ;-) 

Hope everyone had a good eventful or relaxing weekend,


  1. Love the pictures!! Your always so on top of everything!! Your projects are coming along very nicely. I'll have my list of projects ready for you to tackle... Starting with painting the outside of the house... Your ok with heights, right?

  2. Thanks, Mere!!! We loved getting to see y'all. It had been waaayyy too long (over a month!). Heights, I'm okay with heights, but can't make any promises you'll like the end product when I'm done.


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