
My 1st Mother's Day...just Perfect

Warning:  This post has a plethora of pictures due to the awesomeness this day was for me...and for our memory book, of course.   

We started the weekend by celebrating Mother's Day with our mothers on Saturday.  Early on, Jer and I decided that since it was my 1st Mother's Day we would celebrate it alone, just the 3 of us, on Sunday.  So, he could plan our day. 

Mother's Day started off with breakfast in bed.  After breakfast, Jer and Boston brought in my gifts that he and Boston got me.

started off the day with a picture of me and my baby love
Reading my sweet card.  The envelope of the card said, "Boston's Mommy."  Jer wrote me a sweet note and helped Boston sign his name at the bottom.  Boston's first signature.  :) 
Opening my first gift: a picture frame...
...that said Mommy's Biggest Fans.
Second gift was a gift card to Coldwater Creek and some bath salts - love! 
Third - was an amazing 2-page letter that Jer wrote to Boston.  The letter was in Jer's words describing how I am as a mother.  Did I say amazing?  It was!  I have the sweetest husband that loves to document his thoughts of me as a mother for Boston.  His writing is perfect and so loving.  He knows how to make me feel like the best mom ever.  There's one thing that Boston won't be lacking when he grows up and that's letters from us (including his journal we wrote in throughout my pregnancy and continue to write in).  :)
Reading Boston's letter to him. 
I think he's liking what he's hearing.  :-) 
After we opened gifts, we got ready and headed out to our favorite town - Southlake.  Jer thought it'd be nice to have a picnic, which is one of my favorite things to do.  So we ordered some food from our favorite sushi place, Sushi Sam, and took it to a new park in Southlake that is quaint and cute (we'll definitely be going there again).  We spent a few hours eating and enjoying each other.  The best part...being there all alone.  The weather was perfect and my two boys were perfect.  It was very relaxing and peaceful.  I couldn't have asked for a better day.

We plopped a blanket down and got our grub on.
after we ate it was lunch time for the little guy...brown rice cereal was on his menu
then...he played
and played while Jer and I relaxed and enjoyed the peace and quiet 
this was the tree we laid/sat under.  beautiful. 
Mommy and her sweet lover boy 
Jer wanted to show Boston the water fountain and Boston loved it. 
As we were walking over the bridge Jer saw this on the walkway and shot this picture... It says "I am a better man because of the companion I was given."  He thought it was a perfect quote for that day. 
couldn't forget our family picture for the day! 
a shot of Boston when we got home.  :) 

Fourth - I have always loved loved loved hydrangeas but have never bought any because they are so expensive.  Well, expensive to me.  So, you guessed it...Jer got me a whole bucket full of blue hydrangea.  I absolutely love them (eventually, I'll get an assortment of colors.  The pink and white are beautiful, too).  He wanted to plant them in our pot that has always stood next to our front door.  We've had a palm in it for the last 4 years and it finally croaked.  :(  So we replaced it with my new beauties.  Keep your fingers crossed that I don't kill them.  That would be a sad sad day.

I loved all of my gifts.  Gifts like these are simple but thoughtful and are the best kind to me.  This is why I love Jeremy so much, he always surprises me with just the right presents (that are so meaningful) and I hope Boston learns from him.  I am a blessed mom. 

However, I would have to say that the best gift of all was Jer's letter to Boston.  I can't even begin to explain the sweetness of this letter.  Knowing that Boston will have letters like that throughout his life to read when he gets older warms my heart. 

I love my little family.

I loved my 1st Mother's Day, too!

Hope everyone had a fabulous Mother's Day,

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