
Boston Starts Kindergarten!

Oh my heavens.  This day was right up there with the day he was born.  Lots of tears, emotions, happiness, feeling of shock and utter life-changing.  
Let's go back to the night before.  I couldn't stop the tears from flowing.  We all went upstairs to put him to bed by praying over him for the next day.  I needed to capture that moment.  I needed that time with him as a family.  I needed to hold him one last time knowing that he would start on a new adventure the next morning.  
**One day I'll write about my feelings and emotions that took me well over 4 weeks to finally come to grips with**

Here he is!  Ready to conquer this thing called First Day of Kindergarten.  We woke him up early enough to make sure we didn't have to rush.  That's one thing I've made it a point to do each morning before school is not-to-rush.  The last thing I want, is to start his day off stressful and rushing.  
Dada made him his favorite breakfast.  Pancakes and turkey bacon.  He even got to sit at the bar to eat.
He got ready, got his backpack on and it was time for the obligatory first day of kindergarten photos in front of the garage so that we can see how much he's grown at the end of the year.
Such a dapper little fella.
Then we decided to get Navy in on the action.  But, in true Navy fashion, he wasn't having any part of it.  So #reallife is what we'll call these photos.  Ha.
Then we finally gave him him back his comb to hold and all was good in the world.

He LOVES little notes in his lunchbox.  Since he can read, he loves seeing what special words we'll put in his lunch.  It's a fun surprise for him and one that he asks us for.  
And we're off!  All 4 of us piled in ready to capture every little detail.
He was so so excited.  
I spy some little Navy feet.  :)

Telling dada bye.
Then brother.
And then the moment I had to hold back those tears....hard!
I literally wanted to rewind 4-5 years and wake up from this dream.
We love each other.
I think I told him I loved him 2 billion times.
And there he is.  At his desk ready to take on Kindergarten.
Schools out!  We all 4 loaded up in the car to pick up our big boy and hear all about his day!
Telling us how his day went and us partly asking a boat load of questions. Ha.  We were SO curious how his day went.
And just like that his first year of legit school started.  It was definitely bittersweet for this mamas heart.  I've never felt such a surreal life until now.

We are alllllways completely antsy to have 3:00pm come around.  He starts school at 7:40am and ends at 3:00pm every day.  But we leave the house around 2:20pm to get into the carpool line.  Yes -- I am THAT mom.  But,  I missed him SO much it's so fun/exciting sitting outside of the school knowing he was in there.

And, there you have it!  His first day of Kindergarten and it was a success!  We will never forget this day, this 22nd day of August 2016.

We love you dearly, Boston James, we are excited to see how much you learn, grow and mature this year.  You make us so proud.

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