
What Our June Looked Like - 2016

Our June was pretty amazing.  It started off with a bang....with my business being featured in Pregnancy & Newborn magazine.  It was filled with lots of swim lessons, park fun, basketball camp, family time, learning/reading time and Father's day fun.  

We really focused on our family time and made the best of each day.  I made a conscious effort to soak up the boys and my time with them while Bossy is home for the summer.  
His absolutely favorite thing to do.  Splash and throw water.
Ready books everywhere he can.  Outside, in the car, in restaurants and on the back patio.  Love this guy!
Yes...I take waaaay too many photos of him, but their for our memory book, right?  ;)
Another favorite, swinging and pushing his swing.  He won't dare get into it, but he'll swing it!
His first pair of "check" shoes he picked out.  Aka Nikes.  He's so proud of them and is convinced that they make him run super fast.  He even put them on (wearing nothing but undies) and ran through the house so fast.  
Father's Day with my daddy.
Such innocence.  Ahhh, love this age.
Picked out his first basketball.
He's reading SO good.
Outtakes from his 20 month photo.
Last day of preschool for the summer!

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