
Swim Lessons For The B-Man

This morning was the start of Boston's first swim lessons of the year.  He loves all things water and swimming.  This is why our backyard hot tub is names the "Redneck Swimming Pool."  :)  The boys use it as their swimming pool most days.  But in the event we go to an actual swimming pool with some real depth, he'll need to know how to swim and swim good!

But because mommy had "mommy brain" when we woke up, we were totally late to his class.  So late that we missed the whole lesson that he was signed up for!  *hand to forehead* But we went anyway hoping that we could get him into the one that started 15 minutes after his ended.  And....it was a no-go.  That class was full.  So we had to wait until the one after that.  

So we walked over to the park that was next to the pool.  The boys got to get some energy out, mama got to document it and we all had fun.  It was waayyy past Navy's first nap time but he was still kickin' like a champ.  
Another little baby boy came walking over to Navy so Navy started waving at him.  He's a sociable little guy.  Exactly like big brother.
And a daredevil just like big bro...
Once it was time, I loaded Navy up into the stroller and we walked back over to the pool.  He ate some snacks, stayed hydrated with some water and milk and was super patient.  Hoping the next 2 weeks goes so smoothly!  He, too, loves water so I think he had a great time watching brother swimming and just being around the pool.  (more on my snapchat: @jenannstyle)
Turns out, the class that Bossy was in was the highest-level II class with the big kids.  Tomorrow he'll be in the regular Level II class.  But he did so well I thought about keeping him in this class for the remaining 2 weeks but for Navy's nap-time sake, we are keeping it early in the morning.  
Who can put their head all the way under the water?  
It was a great morning, even if we were running late and mama was a little stressed but we made the best of it and the boys had fun.  So that's a win-win in my books.  Plus, it'll probably not be the last time that we're late at something or even miss something all together.  :)

Great job, Bossy.  You did amazing today and I LOVED getting to see your "thumbs up" you'd send me every so often.  Too bad I didn't catch a photo of one!


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