
A Day Out With Navy-Boy

While brother was at basketball camp, Navy and I headed over to Southlake for a little shopping and playing.  He's pretty dang obsessed with water.  All.things.water!  Baths are like his playground.  So when we headed over near the water fountain area of Southlake Town Square he noticed the fountain and darted for it.  There was no stopping him.

However, mama happen to have her camera with her so I went all "mammarazzi" on him.  And at this age, he doesn't mind.  :) 

I wanted to capture the innocence of his personality and his tiny little features at 20 months old.  You know so I can bottle it up and savor it for as long as I can.  Because #timeisathief
These shorts are DIY'd.  They went from perfectly jeans to sliced shorts!  I took some scissors to them and went to town!  
Walking around like he owned the place.
He was NOT ready to leave!  Ha.
Sheesh I love this little dude.  He very much has his own little personality.  Very different from Bossy at this age.


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