
Navy Turns 12 Months!

Happy 1st Birthday, to our amazing son!!

What an eventful month this started out to be!  

Here's how your month went:
- you cut your 4th tooth and two back top molars.  ouch
- you now have 8 teeth.  2 top and bottom front teeth and 4 back molars
- you started to transition into size 12-18 months
- you wear size 4 shoe
- you still love to do "back and forth"
- you still nurse but I have been weaning you off; only nursing in the morning and evenings
- you love to eat
- you started practicing walking but you really show no interest
- you traveled to the Bahamas to celebrate Bubba's 5th birthday
- you are so sweet and gentle.  We can really tell you're gonna have a gentle spirit
- you don't like loud abrupt noises
- you are very much still a mamas boy
- you don't like leaving mama and going into the church nursery.  
- you laugh at big brother who tries to make you laugh
- you like to look at babies and love to see yourself in the mirror
- you still love your car seat and sleeps well in it
- you always wake up so happy.  Every morning you move around in your crib holding your blankets and paci while making sweet noises like your talking to yourself.  You don't ever really fuss when you wake up unless something is really wrong.
- you sleep amazing.  Mostly from 8pm - 7am.
- you still wear cloth diapers when we stay home all day
- you went to your 1 year checkup on October 19th and you weighed 20.14 lbs and you are 30.5 inches long! 
- your 1st birthday party was on October 17th at our house with a circus theme
- on your birthday we noticed you were allergic to either eggs or milk because after eating pancakes for the first time, you broke out if a full-body rash.  Mama immediately called your doctor and they told us to come in within the next hour.  They gave you some benedryl and within an hour you were much better.  A week later you got blood drawn to be tested for allergies.  We found out on October 26th that you were extremely allergic to peanuts, egg whites, almonds, walnuts, cashews and dogs.  And slightly allergic to milk, wheat and soy.  
- you love to swing 
- you're very sensitive an sweet
- you're about to be in size 4 shoe
- you wear mostly all of brothers hand-me-down clothes and shoes
- you love to open cabinet doors
- you love Jets water and food bowl, still
- you love baths.  You love to splash water
- you will mimic a coughing noise when you hear one.  It's so cute!
- you are VERY much a mama's boy
- you are not a fan of cows milk
- you walked with your walker for the first time on November 12th but we weren't able to get it on video but we did a few days later!!

Another Happy Birthday to you!!  We are so thankful for you and feel tremendously blessed that we get to live life with you as our son.  We pray you grow up to know and live like Jesus.  

We'll love you forever,
Mama, Dada and Bossy

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