
A New Preschool and Your First Day - 2015

Such a silly guy
Acting like a T-Rex

So excited.
Looking for his name and his cubby.
Oh Bubba.....where do I start?  

Preschool.  It's a bittersweet subject for mama.  I've never been a fan of knowing that one day you would be going off to school.  It's one of those things that makes me cringe thinking about you being gone from us during the day.  But with your personality, you thrive on being social.  School is good for you. 

Last year, we had you going 2 days a week.  This year, we decided to try a brand new preschool that was just built this year in the front of our neighborhood.  It doesn't have the option of a 2 or 3 day week for 4 year olds.  It's strictly 5 days a week.  Half day or full day.  

If it were up to your daddy you would be going full days all 5 days.  I wasn't on board with that idea.  I still needed more time with you throughout the week.  So we compromised that we would do half days this fall and then you could go full days starting in the spring.  So that's that.  

Your first week has already been a success.  You are LOVING your new school, classmates and teacher.  We know it's right where you belong and feel so blessed that you are being blessed, too.  

The second day Navy and I went to pick you up in your class we got there right when all of the other kids that stay all day were about to take a nap.  You walked to the door to me so we could leave.  I told you to turnaround and tell everyone bye and when you did the blonde little girl laying near the door sat up, raised her arms and asked you to give her a hug.  Little did we know that would create a ripple effect.  Each of your classmates got up and ran to you to give you a hug.  At one point you had 6-7 of your classmates hanging on to you laughing and hugging you.  It made my mama heart so happy and pretty much melt.  The smile on your face was priceless.  One that I wish I had gotten on video.  

We know that not only are you being blessed but you are also a blessing to your school and classmates.  Though we miss you dearly when you are gone, you shine, son.  And we are so proud of you and feel so blessed to be your parents.  The parents that get to watch you grow.  How awesome for us.  

As we always tell you, "when" not "if."  We can't wait to do life with you and can't wait "when" you are successful.  

We're continuously praying for you and an amazing school year, son.  



  1. Oh how I loved this. I'm already praying for Cole's education experience next year. We will do 2 days but I already feel serious anxiety. Thanks for sharing your heart.

  2. I loved this post and pleased to see these cute pictures from first day of preschool. I am thinking to enroll my son to a preschool in this year and was looking for best Phoenix preschool for him as we are quite new to this place.


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