
1/2 A Year Old, Already!

Here's what you're 6th month looked like:

- you love your feet and like to grab and hold them
- you started sitting up all by yourself (3.31.15)
- you wear size 2 shoe
- you still sleeping your bassinet in our room; we have barely started to convert our guest room into your nursery
- you love your car seat
- you will finally take a pacifier when sleeping
- you wear size 2 diapers
- you are still very vocal; you have the sweetest little voice and make the most adorable noises
- still great at playing with your toys and grabbing things
- you like to get your arms out of your swaddle
- still nursing about 95% of your feedings
- you love to sleep
- you smile at anyone that talks to you; we can tell you brighten their day when you do
- only cries when tired or hungry
- you started to chew on your feet and it's so dang cute (4.12.15)
- you hold your pumped milk bottle like a champ

You are such a cool kid!  We have so much fun with you and your easy going self.  

We love you!!

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