
Navy Turns 5 Months

Here's a little bit of how your 5th month went:

- you are really starting to enjoy playing with your toys
- you're very vocal
- you love to stand up; your legs are really strong 
- you wear size 2 diapers
- you are wearing size 6-12 month clothing
- you love to smile; such a happy baby
- you are still an amazing sleeper
- you watched a Baby Einstein video for the first time
- you sat in your bumbo for the first time
- you played in your excersaucer for the first time and loved it
- you love your big brother; you like to stare at him when he's around and you follow him with your eyes 
- you wear size 1 shoe
- you have found your feet
- you are such an easy going baby
- you will lay in your bed awake after a nap and not make a sound; just playing with your feet or hands
- you love to watch the fan
- you love taking baths

Your personality is really starting to shine even more.  We can tell you are going to have such a sweet soul!

We love you!!

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