
It's A Sea Life First For Us

We did it.  We finally made it over to our local Sea Life Aquarium.  It was Boston's first official aquatic-seeing experience.  It wasn't anything to write home about but he loved every second of it.  

This place was called Sea Life and it's one of our local malls.  It's not a real aquarium type place with all the huge sharks, dolphins, penguins and such but it was right up our little mans alley.  Fish, sea horses and stingrays are some of his favorites and they had exactly that.  

When you first walk in you there's blue u-shaped room where all the fish are going in one direction kinda funny to watch.  
He was in awww of all of the fish in the water at each little stop.  
There were pretty big stingrays in this tank along with some medium sized sharks.  
Oh and the best part was that Abby and GPaw came with us (my parents)!  Mom on her cell phone, she's like a teenager :) and dad was kind enough to push the stroller the whole time.  Love these two!
We walked up some stairs and stood out on a deck that had a glass bottom that over looked the huge water tank full of the stingrays and sharks and fish.  B wasn't scared one bit.  Then he started jumping on the glass.....I wanted no part of that.  
Oh dada.  We love our goofy dada.  Ha.
B and Gpaw.  Two peas in a pod.  They are the best of friends.
This glass tunnel was pretty cool.  Lots of sharks and fish swimming all around you was so neat.
Abby and B watching a crab walk around.  
The Cooks love these glass pop up tunnels.  Something that distorts your face makes for a good time.  
Near the end, they had a place where you could put your hands in and touch some starfish and crabs.  B wanted nothing to do with them.  I think it might have been a combination of being scared and about playing in their little playground area just feet away.  

After about an hour and a half of fish watching, we built up an appetite and decided to go eat at Rain Forest Cafe.  Such a cool place.  It's B's new favorite place.  We've been there 4 times in the last 2 months and he gets a kick out of all of the gorillas, tigers and elephants moving and roaring all around us.  
After lunch, we headed back to Sea Life for a behind-the-scenes look at how they take care of the animals.  It was pretty cool.  But by then, B wasn't having it.  It was way past his bedtime and he let us know.  But what we did hear from our tour guide was pretty neat stuff.
This where they incubate the new fish that have just arrived.  They clean them and give them antibiotics to make sure they are healthy before they let them into their tanks full of the other sea life.
Gpaw to the rescue.  He held B and kept him under control most of the time.  
I thought this chart was cool.  I might have gotten an idea or two for ways to teach B what different sea animals feed on.  :)
What a fun Sunday.  Another great day of making family memories.  


  1. we have a sealife here, it's pretty new. it's kind of small for the price, I think! but we love taking pics in those bubble things too!

  2. What a wonderful family trip! The aquarium is one of my absolute favorite places. xx. McKenna Lou
    p.s. Hop on over to Lynn and Lou to win a $50 gift card!!

  3. This looks like so much fun!! So glad you guys had a good time.

  4. We went to SeaLife in KC and my kids loved it!!
    I was shocked that they reached in and started holding starfish when they are scared of all animals.
    Do you live in DFW area? We have been planning to head to Dallas for Spring Break and take kids to the Lego land and Sea Life at Grapevine Mills.


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