
Christmas Eve Part II And More - 2012

You might be asking why we are stilling talking about Christmas.  Welp.... that would be because I'm a not-so-good-holiday-post-blogger.  I'm a goof at getting my holiday posts up and running in a timely manner like good blogger does.

And you also might be asking why Christmas EVE would be chopped up into two posts.  Well, that'd be because:
  a) Christmas eve is our family day (we mostly spend it with just us 3), and

  b) it's our present opening day amongst us three so naturally that takes some time itself and with time   comes a bagillion pictures to sort through, edit and post.

With both of these combined we document a lot about this day since it's considered our "main Christmas day for the Cooks."  You can see part one HERE.

Our little motto for Christmas the last few years (now that we have B) has been more about spending time with family and less on presents.  quality versus quantity.

This also goes for Jer and I.  We've decided that keeping on our track of wiping out all of our debt (except our home mortgage and one of Jer's student loans from law school that has very tiny interest and in no hurry to pay off) in the next 20 months is more important these days (other than getting each other a few "sweet and thoughtful" things that are low in cost.  most times just a love letter from Jer suffices for me).  But after our debt is done and gone.....it'll be on like donkey kong.  In other words, this "practical" way of thinking could be out the window and we'll go all out for Christmases in later years, but for now, we have to stick to the plan on becoming pretty much debt free all the while getting in as much family time as possible while the little man is still little.

Among the thoughtful gifts Jer got me was my remote camera clicker has to be on up there as one of my favorites.  Now when we take family pictures I don't have to run back and forth checking the picture and making sure its in focus before taking another one.  The camera auto focuses and shoots them at the click of my finger!  How awesome is that?!  Pretty dang awesome if you ask me.
That's how we were able to take this picture on NYE.  My right hand is pushing the button.  Its so fun to get click crazy which is why we had tons of outtakes (lots of funny ones) from that photo shoot.  Ha.
Anyway, back to Christmas Eve.  It was full of fun.  But the best part was when we got back from Nana's house and ended the night presenting Boston his main gift from Jer and I that we made the weekend before.  And even though we only spent roughly $60 on the supplies (with free labor) it was a huge hit and still is.

So that we can reminisce one day about when Boston got his first teepee we video'd it.


  1. Do you know where your camera clicker is from? I need this in my life!! Also how did you set up your photo booth for boston's bday, the camera that is, did you have it on a tripod or just pop over for pics?


  2. Soo cute! Looks way more legit than ours!! We ran into awkward fabric


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