
What I'm Loving Lately

1.  I'm loving that Boston's 2nd birthday party was a SUCCESS!!!  *despite the rain*  Post coming next week, fingers crossed.  :)

2.  I'm loving that we had an awesome time on our vacation!  It was absolutely perfect.  And we got to stare at this handsome face all week.  Post also coming next week, fingers double crossed.
3.  I'm loving that we went to Boston's 2 year check-up yesterday and he passed everything with flying colors.  The doctor was even able to give us a projected height for him when he gets older.  I had no idea they could do this.  She said he's projected to be 6'2 plus or minus 2in.  Woah!!!  Daddy's only 6 foot.  Could Boston be taller than dada?!  We shall see.  :)  *I'm just glad he won't be short like momma*

4.  I'm loving that my new iPad I got from my lover!  I got it the night of Boston's party just for being a "good momma," so he says.  Boston turns 2 and I get a surprise gift....leave it to Jer.  So blessed by him.
5.  I'm loving that I'll finally be sharing some of our vacation on Friday.  It'll be all of our iPhone photos.

6.  I'm loving the new bracelets I've ordered through Groopdealz recently.
7.  I'm loving all of the new words Boston has been saying.  It's amazing how much he's saying lately.

8.  I'm loving this shirt that I made for Boston.  It took me about 10 minutes to make.  From start to wearable (finish).  I'll be posting how I made it, tomorrow.
9.  I'm loving our new duvet cover for our bed.  :)
10.  I'm loving this dessert and I'm dying to make it.  Soon.  #pumpkin #creamcheese
11.  I'm loving the sponsors on my right sidebar!!  Please check them out.  You'll love every one of them!  
Linking up here, here, here, here, here and here.


  1. That is such an adorable picture of Boston. How awesome that your husband got you an ipad! I love the shirt you made for Boston. I can't wait to see how you made it. I also love your new duvet cover and bracelets! I hope you're having a fabulous week!

  2. LOVE those bracelets!

    Hope you're having a great day! stop by and say hello! :)

  3. Cute bracelets! And the new duvet cover looks really cute too! Not to mention the little shirt you made. Precious!


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