
Another Family Day

Why is it that when we do something as a family we think that we have to take a bazillion pictures of every-single-little-thing we do?  Beats me.  But we do.  So here's a few million pictures of our day at the park....back in August!  Whoops, time got away from me.  Never too late, eh?  

Oh lookey....there's the baby daddy!  These have got to be some of the best pictures of them.  Totally in their element.  Daddy is another kid with the kid.  Maybe that's why Boston is starting to cry each morning when we wave dada off to work and the laundry room door closes.  Melt down city happens....until mommy can act goofy enough (dance, make silly faces, jump up and down, you know....the normal things moms do, right?) to direct his attention.  
Nonetheless, it was another fantastic family Sunday at the park.  

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