
Tomorrow On The Blog

I'm so excited to share with you Boston's 2nd birthday invitations tomorrow!!  They were made from scratch and I'm pretty proud of myself.  :)  They're not as elaborate as last years, but they ARE different and that was my goal.  In the beginning, I wasn't too sure about them but in the end I grew to love them.  

Oh and it doesn't hurt to get multiple texts throughout the day from friends that had received them saying they loved them and great job among other lovely things!  :)  Humbled a bit.  Because at the end of the day I just try my best.  That's all.

Here they are ready to be stamped and sent to the post office.  
And then being mailed off by the birthday boy himself.


  1. I'm can't wait to see how they turned out! I have a 2nd birthday party to get ready for soon... and am excited to get some invite tips :)


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