
One Of Cutest Things I Ever Did See

3 year olds playing soccer.  Particularly my ultra cute nephew, Noah.  He's so cute I can't stand it.  Seriously, these little players had me drooling.

His first game was on Saturday and come hell or high water, we weren't missing it.  Plus, he loves Boston and Boston loves him so it was the right thing to do.....take him to see his cousin play his first soccer game.   

It was also hilarious that most of them stood still watching the ball get kicked around.  And all the parents yelling, "Kick the ball, no the other way, run, run!!!" :)
Go Noah, Go!
Noah and my brother, his daddy.
A little bragging....my brother is an excellent soccer player and is beyond excited to see Noah take a try at the sport!
Half time pep talk.  Gettin' some air.

While the game was going on, there was I, wrangling Boston back to the side lines.  Luckily Noah was on the sidelines for a break.  Or we would have had a serious meltdown.  
Oh my, freakin' A cute!!!  I love him so much.

Noah and his mommy.  :)  And the tiniest little cleats I have ever seen. 
Me and my mom (to left of me videoing) watching the game.  And the "tunnel" at the end of the game. The players loved going through it as their fans (us) cheered for them.

Boston wasn't getting the "kicking" concept down.  It's fitting, though.  He's into the "throwing" phase of boy toddler-hood.  Everything must be thrown.

Stud man.

Once we left Noah's soccer game, we headed over to Riley's (our nephew, Jer's sisters son) football game.  Another first for Boston.  And-he-was-captivated!  There was no chasing involved.  For the most part he sat on the bleachers between Jer and I while cheering slash clapping slash studying everything about his surroundings.  
Jer's sister, Amy and her daughter (our adorable niece) Khloe.
The football star, Riley.  He did awesome!  Proud aunt, uncle and cousin. :)

All of this sports business makes me excited to see what sport Boston takes to.  I'll probably be guilty of being one of "those" sports moms.  Can't wait!


  1. The little kids playing soccer is too cute for words, I can't wait until our son is old enough for sports :)


  2. Oh my gosh those tiny soccer players are the cutest thing ever...


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