
Kickin' It At The Ranch

The ranch that Jer's parents own and live on is always a fun place to be.  Not only is it fun, but it's got such a peace about it.  It's so pretty and slow-paced.  It's what we need every once in a while.  

Boston absolutely loves it there.  They have 4 big horses and one pony.  And, of course, Boston can't get enough of the horses.  We are figuring out that he's quite the animal lover.  

It's like he's a completely other kid while we are there.  He's a calm, inquisitive, happy, no tantrums, perma-grin, all boy toddler.  It's like he's supposed to grow up on a ranch.  He loves every.single.thing.about.it.    
When we pulled up, Grammy had her water hose out rinsing off this little car that Boston likes to ride in.  That woman is awesome.  :)
One of our favorite things to do while there is to get on the mule and ride out to check out the rest of the  ranch. 
- We stop and visit the horses and the 2 stock tanks.  
- We drive up and down sandy hills while scared we are going to tip the mule over.  
- We stop and visit some cows that their neighbors have on their land.  
- We let Boston "drive" us.  
- We (most importantly) take pictures.  
This is my favorite tree.  There's just something about it that makes me think...."wow, God is great."
Whiskey, the pony, is so stinkin' cute.  I once sat on him and he wasn't too happy.  He started trying to buck me off.  Must have been a weight issue.  :)
Boston with his Grammy, Jer's stepmom.  She is a pretty awesome lady.  She is not only sweet, but she's a hard worker.  And will do anything.....anything for Boston.  We love her to pieces.
His smile says it all.  And his smile weakens my knees.
Fashion alert: You can't go to a ranch without some boots on.  
This day was perfect.  The weather was perfect, the food was perfect and our time as a family (with Jer's parents) was perfect.  Until next time.


  1. The ranch looks beautiful. Glad you guys had a great time. :-)

  2. The ranch looks like so much fun! What a fun little getaway! And his boots... I am dying! They are so adorable!


  3. Love the ranch, looks like so much fun!



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