
Choo Choo

For the longest time now, B has had a fascination with trains.  He can spot them from a mile away and moves his arm up and down while saying, "choo choo!"  He's our train spotter.  So it was only natural that when he turned 22 months (early August) we get him his first set of trains and a track to go with them.

We opted to go with the imaginarium brand from Babies R' Us for 3 reasons: 1) it's a whole lot cheaper than the Thomas the Train train track sets, 2) we can add on when he gets board with what he has since there's a lot more tracks that imaginarium makes, and 3) we love the wood look of the tracks.  Not to mention we love all the imaginarium toys.
After B's morning nap one day, we surprised him and told him that we were going to build his train track.  So he and dada got to build it together.  
Jet supervised from the side.  Making sure the boys were doing things right.  For the most part they did and he didn't have to say anything.
The trains had magnets on the ends of them.  Great for teaching Boston how magnets work.

His favorite part: pushing the trains under the bridge.  Until dada showed him now the trains can go down the hill.

I guess trains and train tracks are for all ages.  Dada had too much fun playing with them, too.  :)

His train set and tracks was a hit with the B-man.  Most time when we go upstairs he sees his table with his train set and wants to play with his "choo choo."  So we play a little and then put him down for his naps/bedtime.  

In true Jen fashion (now I'm talking in 3rd person), here's a short video.  :)
Boston's First Trains and Track - August 2012 from Jennifer Cook on Vimeo.


  1. About a month ago, my sister stopped by after work, with the same train set. My girls were smitten from the second they saw the box. They play with it all the time!

  2. how fun! i used to work at a dentist office that had trains all in it-the kids LOVE it!


  3. So cute! Love the table you have it on


  4. WE LOVE our train table at our house! If you have an AC Moore anywhere near you---their Thomas stuff goes 40-50 percent off once a month or you can use a 50 percent off coupon. Stock up for Christmas gifts with sale items and you will be set:) Glad he loved it!


  5. seriously what a cute blog you have!


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