
Boston's 2nd Birthday Party Is Happening Today

As we speak, I'm probably rushing around (adrenaline induced) like a maniac preparing everything for his party, with a little stress thrown in there, but having fun at the same time.

But these are days that I live for.

Hosting an event for our baby, being with my pretty-darn-near-perfect husband, and being surrounded by our closest family and friends in honor of our baby turning 2.  Am I living a fairy tale?  I might have to say yes.  :)

So, as we are off honoring Boston's birth day.....we hope y'all are having an amazing day, too!

WAIT....I couldn't possibly leave this post without a picture of the one and only....birthday boy!

Well....the birthday boy....annnd us.  Hoping to ditto this picture this year in our photo booth again!  :)

P.S. we are off on a jet plane at 7:30am to FL for our annual vacation/Boston's birthday (October 2).  :)


  1. I'm so excited. Pictures, pictures, pictures. I can't wait to see his reaction!

  2. How fun! Can't wait to see photos!


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