
The Guy Needs Play Tables

Getting B an actual "play table" with chairs has been on the list of things to do for a while.  One that he could play with his trains, cars, color and read on.  The little guy deserves to have this.  His own little play area.

About 6-9 months ago, I found this table at Goodwill for 7 bucks.  It was sturdy and had some potential after a little sanding and paint.
Momma needs to get off her booty to actually do the work.  It still looks pitiful and plain jane.  And it's still sitting in the game room giving me the stink eye waiting on it's makeover.  But not having any chairs to go with it, put everything on hold.  Why?  I have no idea.  I just had it in my mind that if there's no chairs to go with it, then why waste my energy on it yet.  

So, over the past several months I've been searching online and craigslist for chairs.  Wooden chairs that I could makeover.  But to no avail.  Meaning, none in my price range.  I want something cheap.  Cheaper than cheap, actually.  Free would be nice.  But nobody seems to want to give them away for free.  So my search continues.  For those perfect little chairs for Boston's perfect little booty.

Let's talk about the second table I came across a few weeks back.....yeah, the kid now has 2 tables.  A little excessive?  Why no sir-E.  The guy needs some table space.  :)  This table was so cool.
I love how big it is and most of all how it has edges.  So when he's driving his cars or trains on it, they won't fall off.  Genius I tell ya.  The moment I saw it at our local Goodwill I instantly ran to the counter to purchase it and brought back a SOLD sticker to place on it.  (The best part about this huge side-edged table.....I got it for TWO DOLLARS!  Since I'm a frequent Goodwill shopper, I had $10 worth of stamps to spend.  Therefore, since the table was originally $12, I used my free $10 which left me my grand total of 2 buckaroos!  Not bad, eh.  I didn't think so either.  We couldn't have made a table cheaper than that).  It was perfect.  Everything I had been wanting for him.  It needs some work and my little beady brain has been a movin' with loads of ideas.  The hardest part for me is gathering all of them and honing down on exactly what I wanna do with it.

That's where Pinterest comes in.  It's given me some inspiration.  I needed somewhere to start and now I have that somewhere.  All of these pins are on my Pinterest page for Boston.

Here are some that I'm loving. (most likely, I'll combine a few of these ideas onto one table):

I love the simplicity of this table and chair set and the color combo.  You can never go wrong with white and navy anything.
 This is probably my favorite.  Very gender neutral.  Bonus: stripes and chalkboard table top.
Too bad it's blurry.  But that yellow cheers me up.  Yellow is always a favorite, too.  This table is a lot like Boston's 2nd one.
This looks very familiar.  :)  More on that in another post.
Love the idea of having drawers underneath to sort all of his blocks, cars, trains and legos.  Shouldn't be too hard for Jer to add some to either table.  Preferably the new one since it's got some support beams underneath it already.
 Or even add some woven/canvas/expandable baskets underneath.  Simple enough.
I pretty much love everything about this room.  The maps on the wall and the clean feeling it has.  All the pastel colors on the chairs are gender neutral, too.  I also love the idea of having different colored chairs.  We're all about learning our colors lately.
 Definitely a must do to one of the tables.  But deciding the color of the legs is the dilemma.
This room had me at hello.  Something about navy and white always catches my eye.  Even though the table set is more on the boyish side, I think a girl could fit well in it if you add a splash of pink here and there.  I love the glass top look but that might have to wait until B is older.  Picking up shattered glass would be no fun.  This color combo may be running in first place.....we'll have to see.  :)
Dang pinterest.  So many options now so many decisions.

Hopefully before Boston turns 2 we'll have this all figured out and d-o-n-e!  And when it is, you'll be the first to know.  :)

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The Vintage Apple



  1. I CANNOT believe you found that at goodwill. Super score!

  2. Loving your find! awesome!!

    Hope you’re having a great Wednesday! Drop by nichollvincent.blogspot.com and say hello!


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