
San Francisco....And Lots of Firsts

Last year, July 2011, we took our yearly trip to San Francisco.  Yeah, I know.  I'm talking about this a whole friggin' year later.  Oops.  Anyway, we'd heard nothing but great things about the city so we thought we'd see for ourselves.  While we were there we celebrated 1) Jer's birthday, 2) our 5th anniversary, and 3) my birthday.

And it was Awesome.  With a capital A.

There's so much to do in and around the city.  We rented a car a few days to take advantage of everything it has to offer.  Like, going to the beach about and hour and a half away the day of my birthday.  This was extra special since it was the first time Boston would ever touch the Pacific Ocean.....or any ocean!

What made it even more special was the fact that it was our first vacation as a family of 3, when Boston had just turned 9 months old a few days before we left!  So there were MANY firsts made on this trip which makes this momma happy.
Here we are about to tackle the airport with a baby.  It wasn't that bad, either.  After, of course, we dropped off 4 pieces of luggage, a stroller and a huge car seat.  It was a breeze after that.  
He was a pretty great passenger during the flight.
When we landed, we hopped into a taxi for the 30 minute drive to the city to our hotel the Marriott Marquis.  He was a tired baby, he passed out soon after we started driving.
Pier 39 was a fun place for tourists.
Snoozing while we were being touristy.
Celebrating Jer's birthday at Bubba Gump's on Pier 39.
My hunk of a husband on his birthday.
First time eating Cheerios.
The Hunk, again.  Pushing the stroller makes him even more hot.  :)
Since our 5th anniversary represented wood, I decided to order this wood wall decor that has everything related to us.  From the Cook Islands (where we went on our honeymoon), Boston, faithfully (our song), hollywood (where we got engaged), aviation (what kind of law Jer practices), St. Edwards (my college alma mater), UT Law, Jet (our dog), david weekley (who built our home), to our wedding date....etc.  I love the all of the meaning it has.  And he was impressed, too.
Twins, again.
For our anniversary, Jer came up with the idea of doing a little bit of thrift shopping part of the day.  The man really knows how to swoon me!  So we rented a car, pin pointed each thrift store and headed out to try and find some cheap $hit as Jer would call it.  I had a blast.
Finding a heart on our anniversary + $.70 = coming home with us.  I ended up spray painting it.  Go figure.
Later that day, we headed over to the northern part of the city and had a picnic at the Shakespeare Gardens.  It was beautiful!!!  Perfect spot for a romantic-family-anniversary dinner.
Oh these boys.  Thank you, Jesus.
This is the view that we got to look at while we had our picnic.  Beautiful, isn't it?!  Oh and so peaceful.  We were the only ones in this little garden area.  Pure bliss!
Of course, we couldn't not take a picture of all of the Sequoia trees.  They are massive.  Can't wait to visit Yellowstone National Park in several years to see more of them.
Legs out the window.  Ha.  This is totally the Height-Ashbury area.  The hippy area.
Loved these houses.  Totally took me back to my Full House watching days.
Ghirardelli Square.  Oy.  This area was so pretty.  So quaint and chic.  We got a few chocolate bars and some ice cream.  We splurged that day.
One thing about that city is it's hilly!
This right here.....this is the most winding street in America!  So, of course, we drove it!  Funny thing is - people actually live off this road.
Gosh I miss how small he was.
He loved touching his hair.  Kills me.
Those legs.  I die.
Favorite photo, ever.  Like father, like son.  Melts me!!!
Such a stud.
Boston's first time riding a carousel!!
Cool guy.
Golden Gate Bridge!  Making memories.  :)
Palace of Fine Arts.
It was a gorgeous day.
While driving around the city in our car, we ended up on the ocean side of San Fran.  It was so peaceful.  So we stopped, got out and took some pictures.  Wouldn't this be pretty blown up and framed?!  I think so.  
Dinner time with my men.
For my birthday, we drove about an hour and a half to Santa Cruz, CA to see the beach.  We were told it was a pretty beach that had a Boardwalk.  Perfect day trip.  And perfect opportunity for Boston to experience the beach and the ocean for the first time.  Even though it was about 75 degrees.  Not beach swimming weather.
Ordering Boston's first airbrush t-shirt with his name on it.  It turned out adorable!  
First time feeling the sand.....
and first time feeling the ocean.  The Pacific Ocean!  Yay, Bosey!
Seriously love them.
This makes me laugh.  Ruunnn!
Perfect daddy and a totally awesome son in sunny California.  Can't get much better.
Another favorite picture.  Toes in the sand.
Twinsies!  :)
My birthday gift from my lover.  For some reason, I'm always opening my gifts in the bed.
I l-o-v-e this picture.  We were waiting for our taxi to take us to the airport.  They are so precious, I can't stand it.  How did I become so blessed?
Entertainment at the airport.
Pinkberry!  Nuff said.
This trip was pretty dang perfect.  There were a lot of firsts for us a family and for Boston, and the memories we made while there is priceless.  Like usual......we took plenty of video while we were there.

Here's another way-too-long video coming in at 15 minutes (oh and it has more music, fyi!).  But this long video will be fun for our family to watch many years from now.  :)



  1. All of these photos are so great, and it looks like SO much fun...I'm dying to visit San Francisco, I've never been. And Boston in that tiny vest and his teeny tiny converse might be the cutest thing I have EVER seen!

  2. This post made me crack up and get misty eyed from how amazing of a family you all are! Boston's teeny chucks just melt my heart. I could go on and on about every single picture. And I agree that you should blow up that picture and get it framed. Thanks for sharing! xo

  3. great post! my favorite pic is the 2 sets of converse shoes. :)

  4. OMG this post made me miss SF! I love that city--we went for a visit in June this summer. So amazing! Loved all your pics.


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