
One Hour Garage Sale Project

I'm highly kinda obsessed with a new paint color.  It's a habit of mine when I'm in Lowe's or Home Depot to immediately start in the paint department.  I first look at the "Ooops" section to see if there are any paint colors that I need/like that's 50% off.  If not, I meander onto the spray paints for any new colors out.  Lo and behold a few weeks back I saw this paint color at Lowe's and had to have it.

Exotic Sea
I wasn't sure what I was going to use it on, but knew that I HAD to have it and knew I would find something to use it on.  Maybe some lamps, pictures frames, furniture.....anything!

While on a walk last week with my sidekick (my little man), I stumbled upon a garage sale.  Yep, it was a Friday around 10ish which means we were some of the first to browse.  It was then that I spotted these.  Score!
These little candle-holder-beauties were sitting on her table waiting to be taken.  I knew exactly what I would be doing with them and exactly which paint I'd be spraying them with.  Unfortunately I didn't have any cash on me.  So I got home, loaded B up and headed to the Chase ATM.  Came back and the garage sale was no where to be found.  She had closed up shop!  Talk about bummed.  

But since there were signs about a Garage Sale that said "Friday and Saturday" I knew she'd be open the next morning.  So I set my alarm clock for 7am (yeah you can call me Faa-reak!), woke up and headed to the sale.  Lucky for me they were still there!  They were $1 each.  I couldn't pass'em up.  They would look perfect on my dining room table.  It was needing some  vertical-ness.   

After prepping and painting (3 light coats), here's what I ended up with.  LOVE!  I tell ya, love!

Loving the gray walls (which will be a post coming next week. yay!) and the splash of turquoise.  Feels so bright and clean.  

Now I need some candles to go inside them and I need to decide what to put on the table next to them.  Those pink flowers are there for now but they gotz to go!  Thinking of maybe adding some texture like a black trellis design, perhaps.  Who knows.....but when I do know, you'll be the first to know all about it.


  1. Wow! These look SO much better! What a colorfully cheery way to decorate the dining room table. Great job (and great find) Jen! It really takes someone with a special eye to see the potential in items like this.

  2. Wow, what a difference....they look amazing now.

  3. Those turned out AWESOME! We don't have any blue in our house, but I'm LOVIN the color! xo

  4. Oh my heck, I love these!!!!

    Im your newest follower


    XOXO Tiffany

  5. They look so cool. I love the colour. I'm now following from the hop, I hope you have a good week!

  6. Came over from the blog hop - LOVE this project!


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