
Bits of Us Via iPhone

park fun with the Bos-man.
sunglasses and pen and paper keep him occupied while shopping.  
i went curb divin' on my neighbors (2 doors down) curb.  they were throwing out some really good 20ft i think) crown molding.  i took the best pieces and drug it back.  i've been wanting to frame our master bathroom mirror.....this would be perfect and FREE to use.  oh and as I was walking to the house to get it, another neighbor was sitting on their front patio watching me.  ha.  i waved and went on with my business.  no shame.
me and the b-ster :: paper i made his 2nd birthday invitations out of :: this guy LOVES to clean, he's obsessed with brooms and vacuums :: this is what Jer does (work in bed) at night while I watch my recordings/blog
22 month height measuring time
the hands literally kill me.  i die.  it's totally his signature pose.
new dress from walmart!!
seriously he's growing up way too fast for comfort.  such a little man.

such a handsome little fella.  pretties eyes and lips i've ever seen.  maybe i'm bias.  ;)
at the science museum riding a John Deere for the first time

it was a MUST that he touch the vacuums.  he was in AWW.  but then when we had to walk away after we touched each and every one of them, it was full on melt down city.  oy.

a walmart near my house has a 3 aisle DIY section.  how cool is that?!

B wasn't immediately hungry one morning so I put him in bed with us till he was ready to get our day started :: doing a little blogging one day

my little lover boy

totally addicted to these

B's new $.75 sandals from Target.  he could use them for our FL vacay :: this little guy adores his daddy

linking up with life rearranged


  1. such a handsome boy!! And I would totally be right there with ya dragging that crown molding home. You are awesome!

  2. It looks like we have all the same strollers!! I love my schwinn!

    Also love his high top mocs!! Too cute!!

    His style is amazing!!

    And that dress is from walmart??!! Love it!!

  3. Such cute pictures! Have a great weekend!

  4. I love the growth chart! where did you find it?
    & all the little snapshots are very similar to our day to day snapshots :)



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