
we love all things organic and smoothies

If you're a real close friend of mine, you know that I'm a stickler about everything touches and goes into Boston.  From his body soap, to his water, to cloth diapers, to organic wipes, to his food and to his laundry detergent.  We also clean with all organic solutions so little man isn't inhaling harmful chemicals.  We live by the "be as organic as we can be motto."  It can't hurt.  

However, on the other hand, I'm not OCD about it.  I know there will be times that he will have non-organic things and that's ok.  This is one reason why I choose to make (not so much lately) all of his baby food.  But more on that another day.

I knew since I was pregnant that we would have an organic household for our babies.  Jer and I have been organic for about 4-5 years now when we bought our membership to Town and Country who provides all of our organic meats (chicken, beef, pork and even fish), veggies, pastas, etc.  They actually sent us a deep freeze (part of the one time membership fee) to keep it all in, which we've placed in our laundry room.   

When we are ready to order another order we fill out our form and fax to back to them.  Very very simple and fast.  Everything we order lasts us almost a year.  So I hardly ever have to buy organic meats from the store (which ends up being very pricey!).  It's our family's way of saving money while eating hearty and organic-ly.  

I hardly talk about this because I often get weird faces from people that don't buy into the whole "organic" eating thing.  I would never ever want people to think I'm "better than them" in any way shape or form.  We just all have different thoughts.  In fact, an EX friend of mine once called it "propaganda" (when I told her what laundry detergent I use on B's clothes) which really torqued me.  Hence, the ex part of that sentence.  It's okay if you don't agree with it, but certainly don't throw that propaganda word around at me!  

But I've come to embrace it and love that it's our way of life.  And completely understand that it's not for everyone.  Not everyone thinks it's important and that is totally cool too.  I mean look, we all probably didn't grow up on organic foods (at least I know I didn't) and we are all fine.  But that's the best part of living in the good ol' U.S. of A.  Freedom.  We all can choose to do whatever we want.  :)

Anyway, so let's talk about smoothies!  B loves them.  Loves everything about them and drinks them up by the cup full.  He would have an all smoothie diet if I let him.  I stop him at 1 1/2 cups or this momma would be changing more diapers than she'd want to.  If you get my drift.  :)
This smoothie is the only one that I really make.  I try to be sure to have at least 2 veggies in all of our smoothies and not just fruits.  My thinking: "If B will drink it then why not add those veggies, too?!"  :)

Looks pretty disgusting, huh?  But it's actually really tasty!
I love that he appreciates my hard work.  Ha.  Although, I often have ziplock bags of cut up veggies and fruits ready to just be poured into the blender and blended.  I try and make it easy on myself!

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  1. Good for you! The chiropractor we see every week is part of "Maximized Living" - if there's one near you, I highly recommend it...it's not just adjustments but they go over how to get the MAX out of your life - here where I live, the dr took us to the natural grocery store and showed us what to buy, what household items to buy (like laundry detergent, dish soap, etc...) they are what I call extreme, but guess what? his kids NEVER get sick and they have minimal toxins in their body. keep it up! and check out a Maximized Living if there's one near you - they are all around the U.S.

  2. by the way, are the ingredients you posted pics of all in 1 smoothie? I want to try it out for myself and Mel - she's at the age we are taking the bottle away!

  3. Love it! My husband made us all go organic after reading and researching the food supply of our country. Pretty horrific what the FDA will approve. While we are not complete vegetarians, we cut back on the amount of meat we eat, too...even the free range, pasture raised, organic meat.
    The great side effect?? The whole family has lost weight!

  4. My two year olds love smoothies, too. I put spinach and carrots in ours, but I don't like celery, so I steer clear! I throw in a little vanilla soy yogurt and I also like to freeze the banana and berries, to make it cool and refreshing. I use lots of blueberries and cherries in smoothies. My girls love them and they really pack a nutrition punch!

  5. what is the cost of getting foods from town and country? very interesting!

  6. I love a good smoothie!!! Yours look soooo delicious!! Happy Wednesday! :)

  7. Yum! These ingredients look good, even if the finished product isn't so pretty. I'd be happy to try that smoothie goodness. We try to use as many natural products and organics as we have time & $ to seek out, but we're a far cry from having a fully organic household. I'd love to have space to plant my own garden for year-round veggie and herb goodness since our weather in CR is great for that. Tried keeping a small garden in our church lot once, but having the baby took my time away from that. Now it's filled with lush flowers. Thanks for the post, Jen!

  8. Seriously, your little man is ADORBS! I wanted to do the organic thing so bad - I made all organic baby food until we started finger foods... And then, it just became impossible {for us.} It's so awesome you are keeping up with it!

  9. I loveee smoothies, and I never ever thought about actually giving them to my (as of yet still non-existent) kids... but I love this idea. I will most certainly want to do this now when I have kids. I'm into eating really healthy but it never crossed my mind what kind of household I'd like to have.
    Thanks for the inspiration girl!
    My kid won't be getting any processed sugar ;)

  10. Hi, I'm your newest follower from GFC Blog Hop on the Life of a Not So Ordinary Wife. I hope you can stop by and follow me back. http://TodaywiththeTennerys.blogspot.com

  11. You little boy is so cute. We are due with our first in a month- so exciting. you go girl for buying only organic! that is impressive! We are texans also! well my husband, ha but I have recently become one because we live here.:) xoxo

  12. I love this post!! :) I've been organic for about 2 years now, but have just gotten on the smoothie train... maybe one of these days I can pick your brain about the best/easiest smoothies??

  13. Wow Jennifer, Good for you! I think when I have a little one, I'll definitely lean to the organic side and I'm glad you highlight how possible it is! I love this recipe post, keep em coming so I can save them all up for when the day comes!!


  14. New follower from the GFC Hop. I love your posts!


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