
"wawa" fountains

It fills my heart when I see Boston light up over the simple things....water fountains.  Or "wawa" fountains as he would scream.  Whether we are in the car, walking, in a parking lot or anywhere near a water fountain, he can spot them.  Every time.  

The look on his face is overcome with excitement/curiousness/joy.  This, to me, is what warms my soul.  

Over any new pair of shoes, purse or even a new car.....this tops the list of things that I want most.  For my child to stay happy, innocent and excited about the small things.  Always.  


  1. My son gets insanely excited over the big red balls in front of Target. His face just lights up and he starts screaming bahhlll bahhhll. He loves for me to let him sit on top of them.


  2. Awww this was so sweet..By the way his shoes are awesome...So adorable..

  3. How adorable!! These are amazing photos!


  4. OMG Melissa Ryan! My girls get super excited about the balls outside Target, too! I thought it was just them.

    There is nothing quite like seeing a little child's face light up when they see something like a water fountain, or a new animal, or anything like that. I try to slow down and give my gals a chance to really enjoy those kinds of things. I don't want them to lose their excitement for life!

  5. cuteness! i wanna see some photos of you!!

  6. Such a sweet post Jen! You are such a great momma! And Boston.. well he is the cutest! I love his little onesie outfit!


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