
Parade #2

It's July 24th and I'm barely talking about our July 4th parade.  Consider this L-A-T-E from yours truly.

If you know anything about us me, you know that I'm a sucker for creating traditions.  I love them.  There's nothing better.  Okay, well, there's some things better.  But they rate way up there in my book.  July 4th is no exception.  

Cook traditions for the 4th: parade and fireworks.  

So that's just what we did this year.  

Since our hometown, Granbury, has an annual parade that both Jer and I grew up going to, we knew that would be the parade we would have Boston grow up to love, too.  This year was a little different since the 4th was on a Wednesday.  Granbury decided to have their parade the weekend before on a Saturday (June 30th).  

Since it's about a million degrees outside, we reserved a table near the square (Granbury is an old historic town that has a courthouse in the middle of a square full of of stores) at a restaurant that has covered seating with tables and chairs and FANS!  So we were lucky enough to see the parade front row in the shade while eating breakfast burritos, chips and salsa and fruit!
It was a major success this year.  Boston LOVED it.  He was ooohhh and aaawwwing and woowwwing and pointing and clapping and waving his flag around and you name it, he was in on the action and taking it all in.  
Last year - not-so-much!  He feel asleep about 15 minutes into it.  But that's okay.  Momma got her pictures and we made our memories.  You can read about our 4th last year here.  

Sharing his chip with cousin Noah.  They LOVE each other so much.  And Noah is sure to be a perfect role model for B.  I think he's the smartest kid I've ever known.  But I could be bias.  ;)

Since my view wasn't as grandiose as the B-masters, I had to take pictures any way I could.  Mainly through the rail holes.  But I was determined to capture our service men and that great flag leading off the parade.
Soaking it all in.  There was so much to see.
This parade was kinda long (about an hour) and kinda random.  I was hoping for some more traditional floats.
This was the funniest one of all.  What a genius marketing idea for a grocery store.  Maybe that's why they are so successful (HEB owns Central Market).
Wave it!
Our high school band.  Go Pirates!
Not really sure about their t-shirt colors.  We are purple, gold and white.  Not pink, blue and black.
He's got the "waving the flag" thing down.
The obligatory after parade photos.
The whole weekend of the 4th, the square is packed with arts and crafts and food vendors.  So we walked around the square to see if I could find something that I couldn't live without.  But with it being so hot, we walked around in speed mode, which makes for terrible shopping.  More like window shopping.  But I did take some photos of things that caught my eye.

Like this funnel cakes sign.  If I wasn't dying of thirst, I would have snatch a plate up!

After quickly walking around we headed over to eat lunch before we headed to our friends annual lake bash.
Yup, that's an empty beer can B is playing with.  Keeping it classy with our redneck friends.
Oh and you can't forget to "cheers" before you drink.  Teaching him the proper etiquette of lake beer drinking young.
The day was super long but super fun-filled.  Already looking forward to next year.

Oh and as for the fireworks part of our tradition/4th, we watched those on July 3rd.


  1. Your town is adorable! And I LOVE the name Boston - what a cutie.

    You take great photos, btw!

  2. ohhhh I love that little picture of him waving the flag in the air - so precious! showing his love for the good ol U.S. of A. at an early age!

  3. how fun :)


  4. Hi, I'm Shar!
    Your newest follower from the blog hop!

    I love all of the pictures on your blog! Beautiful little family; your son has such a cute name! :)

    xoxo ♥ -Shar

  5. Looks like you had a blast! :)
    Visiting from jugglingactmama.blogspot.com - found you on the GFC Blog Hop – hope you’ll come visit me too :)


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