
A Mystery Trip

We said our farewell to our little B-man and we are now headed out on a mini trip to I-don't-know-where.  

That's right it's a mystery.  I have no clue where we are going!  

Jer planned a surprise 3 day trip to celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary (tomorrow, July 8th) and he's not telling me where we are going.

and all I know is we are currently heading South 

I tell ya.  This guy never ceases to amaze me.  

So....with that said.  I'll see  check in with ya on the other side (when we get there, I'll fill you all in!).  

P.S. Come back tomorrow for a short video I threw together in honor of our anniversary.  

P.S.S. I have a few awesome bloggers lined up to fill in for me next week!  Please come back and meet them.  Seriously, they are pretty dang cool girls.    


  1. saying hi from vintage wannabees blog hop - except i already follow your cute blog :)


  2. Lucky lady!! Good job, Jer! Have a great mini getaway. :)

  3. Ohh so exciting! Can't wait to hear where he takes you. Happy Anniversary!

  4. Found your blog through the bloghop red white and you and am now following. I'm so happy I did too! Love your pictures and sweet family!

  5. I know exactly where u are and what you have ahead of you! ;-)

  6. I know exactly where u are and what you have ahead of you! ;-)

  7. Dropping by from VWB - hope you have a great mystery trip! :)


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