
GFC Blog Hop Link Up

It's Tuesday again which means it's time for the GFC Blog Hop!

When I want to follow a blog the first thing I look for is GFC (Google Friend Connect), it's so easy and it's nice to be able to go and see all of the blogs you follow in one spot. When I first started a blog I had no clue what GFC was but later found out it was great tool to have. 
One side note- Did you know you can follow through GFC using your Twitter Account? TRUE, it's definitely an option!
Ok, so let's get to the party, shall we?
RULES are simple:
1. Follow your host via GFC
The First link below
2. Follow your co-hosts via GFC
The Next 8 links below
3. Link up below using your main blog page not a specific post.
4. Make sure to visit some of the blogs in the link up and follow them via GFC 
and if you want to leave them a comment, I'm sure they'd appreciate that as well.
5. Tweet about this blog hop
6. Share about this blog hop by grabbing a button and putting it on your sidebar! 

If you are interested in co-hosting the next GFC Blog Hop send me an email at melissa@thelifeofanotsoordinarywife.com


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for co-hosting! I'm your newest follower! Looking forward to getting to know you better! ♥

  3. My name is Kristen & I'm so glad to have found your blog via The GFC Blog Hop hosted by Melissa. I am your newest GFC follower & on Twitter and would really love it if you could return the follows?! =] Thanks and have a blessed day~!

    P.S. I'm rather new to the blogging world and really need to button swap & after reading a little on your blog, I'm already loving it and would really love to swap buttons with you...let me know :)


  4. Hi there following from the blog hop!

  5. Stopping by from the GFC hop - thanks so much for cohosting!!!

  6. Thanks for co-hosting the blog hop today!
    New follower via Two in Diapers - would love for you to stop by for a visit and a follow back :)
    Have a great day!

  7. I am your newest GFC follower...come on over to my place if you get a chance....http://slightlynerdysometimescool.blogspot.com/

  8. Thanks for hosting the hop! Stop by sometime:


  9. New follower here via the Hop! :) Can't wait to read more and follow along! Your little one is ADORABLE! We're expecting our first baby boy in December :)

  10. It's nice meeting you, Jennifer! I'm now following you via GFC Blog Hop, as well your newest Twitter follower, too. Feel free to hop over to my place, if you wish. Have an excellent day! ~Cathy

  11. Hi! It's nice meeting you Jennifer and Jeremy. Thanks for co-hosting the hop! I'm now one of your GFC followers. I've linked up three of my blogs today: Amanda's Books and More; 1camera1mom; and Happy Moms, Happy Homes. Wishing you all the best with your beautiful blog!

    Tina - mom of 4, author and blogger of 5 blogs

  12. Thanks for co-hosting. Now following.

  13. New follower via GFC! Looking forward to reading!!

  14. Following from the blog hop:) Have a great day!


  15. Hi from the Blog Hop. Thanks for hosting!! Have an amazing Tuesday!!

    xoxo Amber

  16. Thanks for co-hosting. New follower

  17. Thanks for co-hosting! I'm your newest follower and I can't wait to read more about your blog. I love the post below about the up-cycled bathroom shelf...looks like it turned out great!

    Come check me out at preppypremed.blogspot.com. Thanks :)


Thank you for your comment! I read each and every one of them! :)