
Boston's Nursery...Finally!

Goodness...it's taken me forever to get pictures of Boston's nursery for y'all.  Sorry!  :)  But it's done...woohoo. 

We finished his room ohhh...way back when...I'd say around his 3rd month birthday.  Soo...here's the final product.  We love everything about his room.  As most of you know, our idea for his room was to look not-so-baby-ish.  :)  He'll be able to enjoy it for years to come!
Jer painted the Est. 2010 above his name.  Just the other day, I made his Chalkboard Frame.  I plan on making a few more for his birthday! 
We HAD to HAVE a globe in his room.  That was a must for Jer.  The idea is if B ever ask us where some place is he can go straight to his handy globe. :)  Btw - I got it a while back from HomeGoods for about $39. 
His giraffe looks over him while he's sleeping.  The door on the left is to his bathroom and the door on the right is to his closet.
We LOVE his bedding.  Very simple but classy.  :)  It's made by Glenna Jean.
Jer built those shelves.  He got wood from Home Depot, cut and painted them and I bought the brackets from Hobby Lobby for 50% off.
Here's his Ten Commandments frame, Bible, Cross (the first thing we ever bought him when we first found out we were pregnant) and our first sonogram we ever got (we were 8 weeks and 2 days). 
The blue numbers on the right are from my project I did back in January here.
Boy...wish he was still this little!!! 

We hope you like it.  We have enjoyed spending time in his room with him playing.  :-)

Happy Hump Day!


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