
closet takes priority

So, we woke up to this...

that right there would be our closet.  Looks like a tornado went through it but left the rest of the house alone (which is a blessing in disguise, hehe).  During the middle of the night very quietly our seasonal rod, that hung near the ceiling of our closet, decided it had had enough and fell.  Hanging on it were clothes that we I don't normally wear but that I insist on keeping just in case there's a day that I just might get in the mood to wear something from the 1990's.  Yep I said 1990's.  I still have clothes from high school hanging on it.  I also have my "skinny" jeans hanging up there in hopes that I can one day fit into them.  I just want to be able to actually get one both legs in them and actually button and zip them up, not necessarily wear them.  I'm sure you girls know what I'm talking about.  Plus, Jer had his suits hanging on it. 

The problem is that I am almost finished with my current project, a small one, but still a project that takes time so I'll be working like a crazy woman to get that done tomorrow.  Anyhow, our next two weekends will be dedicated to re-designing our closet which I'm Oh.So.Excited about!  I've been wanting to do this for a long looonng time and here's my chance without hounding the Mr. (this is what I mean when I say it was a blessing in disguise).  In fact, he's really energized too even knowing how much work that will be going into it.  We have a pretty big closet but we've never made the most of it.  Jer and I plan on totally re-doing it, on a budget of course, and hoping (fingers crossed) that it only takes us 2 weekends and maybe some weekday evenings to get'r done.  That is, as long as the B-Man allows us to focus some of our attention elsewhere.  Not to mention, we are pretty ADHD about projects but this is no project that you can leave and come back to.  It has to get done and SOON!  So long story short, we'll be busy working on the closet for a few weeks.  We'll be sure to show you pictures of the befores, the afters and the in betweens as we go through the transformation.  As YHL would say, "Oh happy day!" :)


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