
it's walkin' time...finally

Yesterday was a good day!  We started our day off like any other day, woke-up, ate, played and slept (not me, B did).  But this time we went .on.our.first.family.walk!!!  Yep that's right.  I got my fanny out of the house and did some walking...finally!  I hadn't excercised once since B was born.  In fact, I hadn't exercised since around the end of August.  Jer and I were really good throughout the pregnancy of walking at least 4 nights/week.  Every day for about a month I kept telling myself that today would be the day to do some type of exercising but then something (more important, like watching some dvr'd shows, eating or it was too cold outside for B) would interfer with my plans so I kept pushing it back to the next day.  Well here we are 4 1/2 months later and I still haven't put on my walking shoes.  Until yesterday!  Oh boy, was it lovely.  The wind and sun was a little rough for B.  He's not used to either.  Everything about it was perfect.  I had my main two boys with me and the weather was A-mazing! 

the beginning

he did really well...I'm thinkin' he's gonna be a great walking buddy 

Jer took control of the camera.  He wanted to try it out.  I'd been hogging it to myself.  :) 

the end...all tuckered out 
Then...after Jer got off work, we headed over to Lowe's to look at their washers since they are having their President's Day sale.  There were a few brands we were interested in but we called up (really texted him the night before) our good ol' friend (who we think knows a lot about which brands were good), Casey, and he gave us his opinion and rated the top two brands we were looking at.  1) Electrolux and 2) Bosch.  But you'll have to wait  and see what we got and all the in's and out's to our mega savings.  High five to us.  They are beau-ti-ful!  It'll be posted tomorrow after they've been delivered.  I know the suspense is a killer.  :-)

Here's a hint  ;)


1 comment:

  1. He looks so worn out. I've got to learn how to walk with Cash like that. I always face him towards me. A little selfish I know!!!


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