
4 month check-up...a little late

Yesterday we went to Boston's 4 month check-up.  He turned 4 months on February 2nd and we originally had his appointment scheduled for Feb. 4th but due to the snow that day we had to re-schedule.  We had been so excited for this day.  The last time he was weighed and measured was early December and we were dying to know his stats (mainly how much he weighed since I feel like I'm carrying around 100lbs)! 

Since it was his 4 month check-up, that also means it was "shot time."  Even though he's a tough kid and cries for about 2.5 seconds, it kills me to hear his scream.  I turn my back when she sticks him but when I hear the scream I know it's been done.  Jer quickly picked him up to comfort him and he's fine.  :)  Good job, Boston, you rock. 

Anyway, as usual, I took pictures while we were there to document his visit.  Here are a few from the visit and the day.

patiently waiting to be called in to see the doctor
he's such a happy baby.  we put on a disposable diaper for the weigh-in

When we got home, we changed him back into his cloth diaper and had a little picture session.  (makes me sad to see his little bandaids on his thunder thighs)
thank you for my shirt, Nana!
We go back for his 6 month check-up April 8th! 

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