
weekend fun

We love weekends, but this weekend was extra special.  We had some special guests.  First, my mom came on Friday evening to spend the night and to watch our little guy while we went out to celebrate Chris's birthday dinner with all of our friends at Los Vaqueros...yummy!  Jer worked all day until right before we were leaving for dinner.  Munchkin even helped him out a little (love catching these moments between the two of them)...

Then mom arrived...and this happened...

Saturday, I was able to run some much needed errands (which I try not to do with little man too much) while mom watched munchkin and cleaned my house a bit.  Got home, mom made brownies and I made lasagna and salad for our guests, the Mitchell's.  They are an awesome couple.  We've known them since we lived in Corpus.  Meredith and I are sorority sisters.  Her and Kally just had a baby, who they named Cash.  He is a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e and Boston's best buddy!  Cash will be 8 weeks on Tuesday.  Did I say we love this little family...uh huh, it's true - we do!  We can't wait to watch these two boys grow up together. 

I found some extra onesies, pulled out a marker and wrote on them... 

At one point they were touching each other's hands.  So cute!  I missed that shot.

Meredith, Cash's beautiful mommy, holding our munchkin

Kally, Cash's cool daddy


our 4 studs 

Then on Sunday, Jer worked and once again we weren't able to go to church.  Later, I went and had a nice relaxing pedicure.  I forgot what it felt like because it had been soooo long.  I felt sorry for Jer having to look at my feet. 

P.S. Jer typically doesn't work this much but he's got a case that's been a little booger.  Maybe next weekend won't be as busy for him work-wise and we can go get a new camera and new washer and dryer (that'll be a separate post). 

P.S.S. Baby Emma will be born Wednesday, unless she decides to grace us with her presence sooner!  Jeff and Stephanie Ellis, we can't wait to meet your little princess. 

Hope everyone's weekend was great,
~the Cook's

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