
One Month Old!

ONE MONTH OLD!!! I can't believe it. It feels like just yesterday he was still in my belly. Which by the way, is something that I struggled with for a few weeks after his birth. I LOVED being pregnant and wasn't ready to not be pregnant. I was very emotional. Even though I was extremely happy when I would look down at him in my arms, I still had the feeling that I wanted him to still be in my belly. Weird, I know. :) But things are better now and I'm thankful he's here and healthy!

We have had so much fun with him this past month. He is such a good baby. Often throughout the day, Jer and I will sit and stare at him while he's sleeping. It's fun to watch the faces and noises he makes. There's one thing he's good at and that's stretching! He stretches A LOT. He raises his hands up in the air and makes grunting noises. It's so funny.

Below is a video of him sleeping and stretching.


1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness this video is the sweetest dang video I love all the stretching he is doing but even better his little faces and noices hes making lol how stinking sweeet luv luv luv it!!! :)


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