
The Making of Baby Cook's Room

My amazingly sweet parents came down one weekend in August and helped paint and put up trim in the nursery.  I knew I wanted wainscoting/beadboard on the walls but wasn't sure about which one.  So we went to Home Depot and found the wainscoting that comes in panels that's pretty easy to install.  It wasn't the beadboard that I originally had in mind but putting up beadboard would have taken a lot longer to install so we went with the panels.  The week before, I had already picked out my paint color - Spalding Gray from Sherwin-Williams.  I love it!  It's not too light and not too dark...and gave me the neutral color I was shooting for.  

As Jer and dad worked upstairs on the nursery, mom and I stayed downstairs and she cleaned my house!  I got a few pictures of her cleaning.  She didn't want me to have to smell all the chemicals so I stayed away and propped my feet up.  The best part - she gave me an hour foot message!  I'm so blessed to have the parents I have!

Nursery - BEFORE 

Jer and dad.

Mom cleaning my bathroom.  So sweet!

Mom vacuuming my living room. 

My awesome husband and Jet in the corner.

The next morning.

It's coming together...just needs to be caulked and painted...


Ready for the furniture.

Last week I went shopping at Goodwill and found this really cool mirror, frames and lamp shade.  I knew I wanted a mirror in the baby's room and when I saw this I knew I had to have it, but wasn't really into the gold frame.  So I went to Hobby Lobby and got glossy black spray paint and had Jer paint it.  I was amazed at the finished product!  I love it.  We are keeping the room very neutral so I was a little worried the black would be too dark but in the end I decided I needed some color to the room.  So black it was! 

Jer and I knew that we wanted to do something with this lamp.  This was Jer's Nanny's lamp that we got after she passed.  We've never wanted to get rid of it but really didn't know what to do with it.  So I decided to get a can of spray paint and paint it silver.  I went to Hobby Lobby and got fabric and covered my Goodwill lamp shade.  Then we went and bought a lamp kit that Jer installed.  I love the finished product!  It'll fit perfectly in the baby's room.  And gives off a lot of light. 

Walla - no more flowers!  I'm diggin' the silver. 

These are the pink frames from Goodwill that we painted black.  I'm hoping to use these for black and white photos of the baby. 

Jer hard at work installing the light kit...

We have light!

The lamp shade before covering it with fabric. 


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