
Dr.'s Orders

Well as you all may know our lives have changed a lot here lately...
Monday morning we went to Dr. Kindrick's office to get my blood pressure checked and it was at 150/90.  Dr. Kindrick was not in at the time, so the nurse was going to let her know about my BP and told me to wait for a phone call later that day to give me instructions on what she wanted to do.  Around 3pm, I got a phone call saying she wanted me to go to the Labor and Delivery unit at Baylor Grapevine Regional Hospital and check-in for 24 hours to monitor my BP, liver enzymes and protein levels.  The idea was that if my BP would stay low enough while on bed rest at the hospital, then maybe Dr. Kindrick would let me go home and stay on bed rest there.  That was my goal for sure.

All day yesterday, Tuesday, my BP stayed in the 120s/70s but raised into the 140s/80s when my parents came to see me.  My excitement in seeing them clearly caused it to raise.  That was not good news, as I was hoping that the numbers would stay low enough for me to get to go home.  Making matters worse, this morning, when Dr. Kindrick visited, she told us that she had received a report on my protein levels in my 24 hour urine collection, and she said the levels were too high for comfort.  The combination of easily-elevated BP and protein in the urine meant I had Preeclampsia, something I was so hoping would never happen.  Then, she said what I feared the most.  She ordered me to stay in the hospital for complete bed rest until we have the baby.  The news of this made me unbelievably sad.  Combined with pregnancy hormones and hearing the news of being forced to stay in the hospital for weeks, I was an emotional wreck all day.  Even just looking at a picture of our toy poodles would make me cry.  I miss them so much and miss my home, already!

We are currently in week 34 and Dr. Kindrick would like to keep Baby Cook inside until at least week 38.  That means no outside world for me for 4 weeks!!!  The thought of that makes me cringe, especially knowing how beautiful and cooler it's been outside.  The support from all of my family and friends has been AMAZING and helped so much.  To know that they all care so much about me, Jer and Baby Cook means so much to us.  My Facebook has had so many thoughtful comments, prayers and messages, which makes me smile each time I read them.  I feel so blessed to know so many people are thinking about us and lifting us up in prayer!  The Power of Prayer is awesome!  So, thank you to everyone, we love you all!!!

Since I now have plenty of time on my hands, I'm going to update our blog daily.

Sending my updates...

While Jer writes in our journal to Baby Cook

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