
El Bebe Classes

Jer and I attended our first baby class on August 21st for 8 hours!  It was called Prepared Childbirth Class and taught us more than we could have ever imagined.  We now know everything to expect about the birth, how to make labor comfortable, the do's and don't's while at the hospital, and bringing the baby home.  It was fascinating and fun.  I listened while Jer took all the notes.  We had to take 3 pillows to learn different techniques of keeping me comfortable, i.e., giving me messages!  I liked that part. 

About to head out the door that morning...got my pillows, I'm ready!

The next 2 classes we attended were on the following Saturday.  Baby Basics and Breastfeeding.  Again, they were VERY informational and the instructors were awesome.  I loved every minute of being in our classes.  Baby Basics taught us everything we need to know about taking care of a newborn from the moment we bring the baby home.  And, of course, you know what the Breastfeeding course was about.  After taking these 3 classes I'm a lot less stressed about the "what if's."

Our next class is Infant Safety & CPR on September 26th.  Should be interesting!  

I'm ready to head to class #2 & 3!

While we were at our Baby Basic class, Jer was chosen to try on and be a model for the Baby K'Tan sling.

Looks good on you, Jer! 


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