
About Us

- The Cooks.  Jeremy, Jennifer and Boston.

- We've been married for 6 years.

- We are born and bred Texans.

- Jen has a bachelor's degree in biology.

- Jer is an attorney.

- Boston James, well....he is our pretty friggin' awesome 2 year old that joined our family in October    2010.

- Jen is a self proclaimed horrible writer.

- Jer is our handy man of all things.

- Our blog consists of: all things Boston, our daily life, the bad, and the ugly of DIY projects that we take on, pictures, vacations and fun videos.  We share anything and everything.  No holds barred up in here.  We keep it real.

- Originally we created our blog to document our lives while my uterus was being occupied by our little bambino.  We wanted to document every-single-little-detail of the pregnancy.  Since then we've continued to bore you with our life (mainly for our children and future grandchildren to laugh at when we make this blog into a book).

- We love that we have a little spot on the world wide web to write our memories... memories that we'll cherish forever.  It's us, it's our life and we are in love with it.


  1. Cute family and gorgeous pictures!! Thanks for stopping by today from the hop! I'm a new follower AND fellow Texan ;-)

  2. Jennifer, your family is so adorable! I'm already a follower of your blog, but wanted to say hey from Two In Diapers!

  3. I have recently been nominated for the Liebster award. As part of the rules, I am to nominate 11 others for the award. And I choose you! If you would like to participate, you can go to http://ahumblebumble.blogspot.com/2012/07/liebster-award.html. :)

  4. yay! I'm so glad I found a new blogger to follow with so many common interests! beautiful family!

  5. Hi, Jennifer!

    I found you through the GFC blog hop! I'm your newest follower and so excited to find a fellow Jesus lover! :)

    I look forward to connecting with you!


  6. Okay, second comment in the same day but it's nice to see another follower in Christ!

    We are building a home very soon... makes me nervous but looks like yours turned out so great! You have a new follower :)

    xo, Jenna

  7. Your blog is super cute! I am glad you found mine, now we are able to be follow friends ;) You have a beautiful family! I really enjoyed reading about you and your fam & especially liked how said you are a "self proclaimed horrible writer", lol!

    Shio :)

  8. You have such a cute blog, and you're family is just adorable! I found your blog through a Dallas blog link up (I live in Dallas too). Can't wait to read more!


Thank you for your comment! I read each and every one of them! :)